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Phones have been coming out at a rapid rate lately. Motorola pushed the Bionic and RAZR our within a relatively small amount of time from each other, which might have actually pissed some people off. I would get in to a discussion on whether this is healthy or unhealthy for the mobile gaming world, but that's another topic for another time.
As far as the hardware comparison chart goes, sections that are bolded and in red are "best in class" in the mobile world right now.
A few things to keep in mind though when comparing hardware - bigger doesn't mean better, ALWAYS. For example, the Rezound has a 1.5gHz processor and the Bionic has a 1930mAh battery. I will tell you right now, you don't need 1.5gHz of dual-core power for anything right now. The only thing that is going to do is drain your battery even faster on an already tanked 4G LTE device. On the same hand, the Bionic's 1930mAh battery will not seem noticably bigger due to the fact that it is a 4G LTE device on Verizon, which has been notoriously bad on phone battery. Just some food for thought when looking over these devices.
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