Saturday, August 20, 2011

Android App of the Week: shopKick

shopKick is an application that allows users to track where they go and receive 'points' for visiting local retailers which they can later redeem for rewards. It's no strings attached, free stuff. You create an account and you are on your way. How it works:

-When you walk in to a retailer such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, or Macy's, turn on your phone's GPS (if it isn't on already) and open the shopKick app. Most major stores have radio signals in the entrance, and your phone will pick it up and reward you with walk-in points. This is usually between 30 and 60 points.
-You can add a list of stores to your 'Faves' which gives you quick access to them. By clicking on that store every day, you can view their special walk-in kicks they offer and you get 1 point for opening their store.
-You get kicks, usually between 10 and 50, for scanning promotional product in the store. I personally don't do this, I just do walk-ins and click the ads, but for those of you who become enthusiastic about the app, it's a nice way to get extra kicks.
-You get badges (similar to PS3 trophies and Xbox achievements) for certain things, for people who have OCD about accomplishing everything.

The rewards:
25 kicks: 1 Facebook Credit
500 kicks: $2 Best Buy Certificate
625 kicks: $25 Hotel Cash card
875 kicks: $25 Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 Macy's Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 Target Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 American Eagle Outfitters Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 Sports Authority Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 Arden B Gift Card
1,250 kicks: $5 Wet Seal Gift Card
2,750 kicks: E-Movie ticket
3,750 kicks: $15 iTunes Gift Card
10,000 kicks: Bluetooth Headset
35,000 kicks: Ray Ban Aviators
75,000 kicks: Coach Hand Bag
75,000 kicks: Xbox 360
92,5000 kicks: 55" Sony 3D TV
6,250,000 kicks: Princess Cruise Trip

For more details, see shopKick's Website.

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